Big Rock Landscaping

Choose the right size for your water feature or fire pit- that doesn’t necessarily mean making it small. Sometimes, these can act as focal points and add to the cohesiveness of your space like the landscaping elements featured here.

Landscaping Design for Small Yards in Utah

Landscape design for small yards creates a sense of panic for many of our customers. They feel worried they won’t be able to incorporate the most important parts of their dream yard in their limited space, and the fear is reasonable. We’ve all seen small yards that felt more like junkyards because of poor design. But don’t worry, we are huge fans of a small yard—and we have many ideas to help you start planning your space. Remember, if you feel overwhelmed, you can always contact us to schedule a free consultation.

Maximizing Space: Smart Design Strategies for Small Yards

A small yard is a fun challenge, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have options to make the space beautiful, functional, and personalized to your needs. However, small yards mean excellent design and planning will ensure you are making the most of your space. Here are some of our best tips for designing a small yard. 

Look Up!

Your yard is more than just the land; it’s the visual space above it. That’s good news for people with small yards—by adding height and dimension, you can draw the eye upward and make the space feel bigger than it is. You can easily add height by adding trellises, vertical gardens, hanging planters, vines that trail up pergolas, or even privacy fences. These design elements can create visual divisions in the yard, which brings us to our next tip: use zones. 

Use Zones For Cohesion

Small yards still need the organization and function that zoning adds to the space. Zoning is simple—choose what you want to do in your yard and what features you want, and then group those things (mostly) together. Cluster potted plants with herbs in a corner, making sure to group in odd numbers and with pots that match the vibe of your space. Plant your garden along the fence in a long strip to easily maximize space but also make it easy to reach all your plants. Group entertainment furniture and spaces together by adding a rug underneath all the furniture to give it visual cohesion. Not only does using zones create more visual cohesion, but it’s also great for keeping the space organized.

Small yards still need the organization and function that zoning adds to the space. Group entertainment furniture and spaces together by adding a rug underneath all the furniture to give it visual cohesion.

Double Your Fun

Try and opt for elements that can double (or triple!) its functionality. Think of a decorative patio box for storing your garden tools that doubles as an extra seat when guests are over. Or an outdoor dining table that doubles as your potting table. Even opting to build your raised garden bed with a thicker edge provides more seating in a pinch—and your guests might enjoy a taste of the fruit (or vegetable) of your labor while they sit and chat. 

Use Light And Color

To make your space feel larger, use lighter-colored hardscapes, like white pebbles or light gray pavers. If light hardscape isn’t for you, make sure that the dark hardscape you choose is uniform throughout the space so it feels cohesive. Use color wisely; this is a challenging tightrope to walk in a small space. Choose a few colors (a primary, secondary, and complementary color) and try to stick with those in all your design choices. Consider the colorful yard here—it feels vibrant without overpowering the space.

Use color wisely; this is a challenging tightrope to walk in a small space. Choose a few colors (a primary, secondary, and complementary color) and try to stick with those in all your design choices. Consider the colorful yard here—it feels vibrant without overpowering the space.

Layer Your Greenery

You might think the best thing to do in a small yard is less of everything, but that isn’t the case with greenery and plants in your small yard. Don’t be afraid to layer taller plants behind shrubs and bushes, and don’t forget ground cover! This adds depth and dimension to the yard, which actually makes it feel bigger and more luxurious. 

Don’t be afraid to layer taller plants behind shrubs and bushes, and don’t forget ground cover! This adds depth and dimension to the yard, which actually makes it feel bigger and more luxurious.

Best Plants and Features for Small Yards in Utah

Small yards in Utah can shine when the right design elements meet the right plants and landscaping features. So, we compiled our favorite tips for helping small yards reach their full potential for Utah residents.

First, consider your space’s water needs. Sometimes, small yards don’t have sprinkler systems, so everything must be watered by hand or a system installed. If you want drought-tolerant plants, consider lavender and its aromatic smell, Russian Sage and ornamental grasses for layering and texture, or yucca plants to add visual interest and unique shapes. 

Now, consider your tree options. Some small yards can tolerate a medium to large-sized tree, depending on factors like the spread of the tree, the shape of the yard, and the type of tree leaves it has (a huge pine in a small yard means pokey needles everywhere, trees matter!). Thankfully, there are also small or ornamental trees to try in your space. Try the Japanese Maple with its stunning fall foliage, the Flowering Dogwood with gorgeous spring blooms, or the Crape Myrtle, which has long-lasting summer flowers. 

Next, think through your water and irrigation plan. Are you planning on adding sprinklers? If so, how can you maximize efficiency? If not sprinklers, how will you ensure your plants and garden are watered effectively (drip system or irrigation of some type?) Of course, once you have done the hard work of choosing your watering system, you can add water features like mini ponds, waterfalls, and fountains. 

A segmented section of a backyard using large raised garden bed to add to this small yard landscaping design.

Xeriscape and rock gardens offer a water-efficient option for those who want to reduce their water bill. This landscape, using pavers, drought-tolerant plants, and pea gravel, primarily uses xeriscaped elements to create a cohesive and inviting front yard. Note that the space still feels green and inviting, utilizing the background and hardscape. 

This landscape, using pavers, drought-tolerant plants, and pea gravel, primarily uses xeriscaped elements to create a cohesive and inviting front yard. Note that the space still feels green and inviting, utilizing the background and hardscape.

FAQ: Common Questions About Small Yard Landscaping in Utah

Look, we get it. Planning your small yard feels like a daunting task, and if it feels too overwhelming, find some local landscaping professionals who know your specific area to help you plan your space. Read on to find out our expert opinion on small yard design. 

What are the best trees for small yards in Utah? 

Japanese Maple, Crape Myrtle, Flowering Dogwood, Olive Tree, and Dwarf Spruces are all excellent options. 

How do I create privacy in a small backyard? 

Use trellises, panels, fast-growing trees, or ornamental trees. Also, consider using zones to help you decide how to incorporate privacy in the yard. Maybe you don’t mind your neighbor seeing your garden, but you want your outdoor seating in a private area, for example. 

You can use large cement pads in your backyard to enhance the landscaping design of your small yard.

What are low-maintenance landscaping ideas for small spaces? 

Any type of xeriscaped yard will inherently require less maintenance, but you can also opt for low-maintenance plants and landscape features in your space. 

How do I make my small yard look bigger? 

Add height with ornamental trees, trellises, lighting, and color. 

How can I incorporate a fire pit or water feature into a small yard? 

Choose the right size for your water feature or fire pit- that doesn’t necessarily mean making it small. Sometimes, these can act as focal points and add to the cohesiveness of your space.

Choose the right size for your water feature or fire pit- that doesn’t necessarily mean making it small. Sometimes, these can act as focal points and add to the cohesiveness of your space like the landscaping elements featured here.

What are the top mistakes to avoid when landscaping a small yard in Utah? 

Don’t let the space define the vibe. You can make any space feel like home and meet (most of) your needs. Whether you want a formal English garden or a xeriscaped minimalist vibe, you can make it happen in your yard with the right design. 

You can make any space feel like home and meet (most of) your needs. This small yard space uses a pergola perfectly to enhance the aesthetic of the small yard.

Elevate Your Small Yard with Big Rock Landscaping

We love small yards- they offer a compact and efficient way to enjoy the beauty of your yard, and we love helping that dream come true. Some of our favorite projects have offered us a unique challenge, and we love a challenge. Our favorite yards have personality, a cohesive design, and high-quality, lasting materials, and we can make that happen in any sized yard. That’s because we have decades of experience, awards, certifications, and more happy customers than we can count. We know your outdoor space matters to you, and regardless of the size, you deserve to feel happy and at peace. Call us today to find out how we can take your small (or any size!) yard and make it a space you will love for years to come. We can’t wait to start making your yard your favorite place to be! 

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